Published continuously on the World Wide Web since 1996 - This site is supported by Tripod and other sponsors
This site was conceived and launched using free public access computers at the Miami-Dade Public Library in downtown Miami Florida

Jack Lembeck - Windscape Works

"I, your servant, as I have pondered on the problem of the mill, have found, with the Lord's help, that by a device of art, one could construct a mill which works without water and by the wind alone;"
(Leonardo da Vinci 1452-1519)

"Windscape" was a successful outdoor kenetic sculpture installation in Bayfront Park, Miami, Florida. The following images are examples of work inspired by "Windscape" and produced in the Windscape studio.

Windscape Afterthoughts (1996) mixed media (22"x 30")

Windscape Afterthoughts-Overcast (1996) mixed media (30"x 22")

Windscape Afterthoughts-Space(1997) mixed media (30"x 22")

Winscape Mechanism (1997) mixed media (30"x 22")

Ghost Shadows (1997) mixed media (38"x 48")

Jack Lembeck

United States

About the Artist | Public Collections | Brittle Star | Windscape | Windscape Works | Landmind
Early Work | Jeff's Vehicles | Circles of Life | Lembeck at Yale | NYC Galleries

This site is supported by Tripod and other sponsors

Published continuously on the World Wide Web since 1996