Carnival Square
In the summer of 1973, Crista Lembeck (age 5) and her family lived at a friend's guesthouse along the Hudson palisades in an idyllic area known as Sneden's Landing.
That fall after moving back to the city she wrote her first story on the back of a press release for her father's exhibition at the Razor gallery. On the front she drew a self portrait and printed; "I Love You". She had been an inspiration for her father's work since making her first mark.
The story simply read;"Once upon a time there was a little girl that was walking in the city The End."
She has always been known for a clear perspective.
The Lembecks walking West Broadway from Broome to the 420 Gallerys' Building
Adjacent to the Historical Society is The Virginia Museum of Fine Art and the Sidney and Frances Lewis Collection. They have owned the painting "Crista Cross" since it left the loft in 1979 where the "Little Girl in the City" lived.(not yet the end)
An extrordinary discovery occured at the Virginia Historical Society. The director Charles F. Bryan,Jr. and the assistant director Nelson D. Lankford produced an excellent book and exhibition on the subject.
Crista left the Historical Society for a career as a full time mom.
She is now also Digital Library and Preservation Coordinator, Bibliographic and Digital Services at Boatwright Memorial Library - University of Richmond.
Published continuously on the World Wide Web since 1996