YALE SCHOOL OF ART AND ARCHITECTURE BY PAUL RUDOLPH In 1969 Jack Lembeck's studio was on the 7th floor
Jack Lembeck
Claes Oldenburg attracts a massive crowd of students for the "first" installation of his "Lipstick (Ascending) on Caterpillar Tracks".
Jack Lembeck is in this crowd near the the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library next to the Noguchi Sunken Court.
YaleNews_ Beinecke Renovation Progress YaleNews_Beinecke Reopens
An architecture student, Stuart Wrede, and a group of architecture students raised money, under the name of the Colossal Keepsake Corporation of Connecticut,
and worked in collaboration with Claes Oldenburg. It was installed on May 15, 1969, in Beinecke Plaza at Yale University, as a speakers' platform for anti-war protests.
No one was even thinking of May Day 1970
The Lembecks lived in New Haven at the corner of Crown and York Streets (319 Crown Street) from the spring of 1968 until the summer of 1972.
The only artist members of the Yale SCUBA Divers Club
Jamaica Spring 1972
Jack Lembeck, Don Gummer, James Biederman
Jim and Don completed a deep 200 foot dive together, while Jack partnered with a new diver and descended to 195 feet.
The hotel staff member standing with them was proud to be called " Muhammad Ali " as a complement by Jim.
From that day he exhibited special attention to the three strange artist adventurers from North America.
About the Artist |
Public Collections |
Brittle Star |
Windscape |
Windscape Works |
Early Work |
Jeff's Vehicles |
Circles of Life |
Lembeck at Yale |
NYC Galleries
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